== Hai...SOU DESU NE!!!!! ==
i updated......
happy??? *LOLLL*
ooo i love u guys =Mrs. Imai Tsubasa and the *OTHER* Mrs. Takizawa Hideaki~~~!!!
*s-i-g-h* i dont really kno what im blogging about...but HERE i am (its all UR fault Shelby!!! XDDD)
but anywhoo, homecoming is coming around the corner, and all i can say is....I WANT A DATE. LMAO~ i know = how *desperate* can i possibly sound?!?! (c my last last entry...thats enuff proof) but hey!! @ least im going w/ all my friends ^^v
Kayla, Michelle, and all the others r going - come to think of it...i need to go dress shopping!!! (aka dads blood money) LOL ive already tried on a few, and one has caught my eye ---> its this really nice black one that has like all these swoooshy layers (if ya kno what i mean - tho i kinda have a feeling u dont...) its kinda like a samba dress... just gone black...XDD *whacks self* ive never been good @ explaining things!!
newhoo = really hope that more TakkiCon dates will come soon + that tickets will magically pop in front of me.....
ps: i already miss everybody that had to move this week...i SHALL blame jurcik for the bad week. BAD journalism teacher BAD *whack whack whack*
== 螟ェ髯ス 縺ョ蟄」遽� #8 ==
o man...that was prob the most *ERO* epy yet....thanks to Yvie for reminding about the torrents, or else i wouldve NEVER checked --->
[i gave up on them after arieacreations didnt work nemore/no more signs of the Taiyou epies anywhere] ^^;;
but YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! TATSUYA IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sizzle* black haired Takki...me like, but BLONDE Takki, me looooove more.
Tatsuya - Kyon / Tatsuya - Kyon /.....its def Kyon....4 me @ least!!!
i felt sooo bad for Eiko!!! Yuki ur evile!!!! u evile lucky b**** who got to TOUCH and KISS our black haired puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E-V-I-L-E~ especially the part where Eiko returns home to find the evil witch and Tatsuya inside ==
"Ive chosen her. So you dont belong here anymore." *TEARS*
those words really stung even if they werent said directly to me!!! poor thing...
ive really watched the whole drama (cause i borrowed tapes from this Japanese store in Seattle...but it was like in TERRIBLE quality + it didnt have subtitles either! = waste of my money once again) so i kinda/sorta kno how it ends...yet not completely...*s-i-g-h*
well ill rant on about something else latr...just thought that i havent written in my blog for quite a while~~~ jya!
PS: Go here for the Taiyou no Kisetsu torrents -> D-Addicts ~ Taiyou no Kisetsu #1-9
== Onegaishimasu~~ ==
i know ive already stopped by many blogs + have posted quite a bit of my *PLEAD* on tagboards/comments....
demo~~ im EXTREMELY DESPERATE right now yo!!!!!
(i apologize for the past + future pleads that will b making on ur boards/comments) but please understand my position...
im in NEEEED of getting those darn TakkiCon tickets~~~
i understand that theres a good chance that i wont be able to get them, but hey...if i wasnt MEANT to go and if ive tried everything that i could to = then ill have to nothing to say then, right??? except for a couple of *BITCHING* sessions here and there....XDDDD (but thats natural)
but PLEASE~~~~ if anyone out there can help me get the tickets, ill be *ETERNALLY GRATEFUL*
i will = I REPEAT. I WILL pay u xtra for them.
i wont rip u off or nothing + if i really do get the tickets, then its an I.O.U. = any reasonable request/Takki requests after that will most likely be granted --- unless its REEEALLLY out of my reach. so PLEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE some kind soul out there...please help me *on knees once again*
please contact me @
bluebonbon88@msn.com OR atfy_lavender@comcast.net
OR u can leave a message on my tagboard/comments. THANK U VERY MUCH EVERYBODY!!
== OH MY MOTHER F***IN G**!!!! ==
holy shit~!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABOUT TIME Takki-baby~~~~!!!!!!!!
Takizawa Hideaki Solo Concert ~
"Arigato 2005 Sayonara"
OSAKA JOU-HALL 13:30 / 17:30 = December 23, 2005
YOKOHAMA ARENA 13:30 / 17:30 = December 25, 2005
== info from= http://www.johnnys-net.jp/kouen/concert/tackey.html ==
(i dont know if there will more dates...but I HOPE SOOOO!!!)
THANK THE HEAVENS!!!!!! its on my Xmas break, so theres no problem what so ever~~~~ i can describe how happy i am right now...im about to burst!!!!
but i do have a problem = and i would be eternally grateful if anyone can help me w/ it =
I need to find a way to get the Con-tickets. If u can help me, ill pay u (and ill even pay u a bit more than the ticket itself) but as long as i can get a ticket/a ballot for it, ill praise u like a god XDDDD im that desperate!! im not really sure how much it costs, but ill pay u more + thats a promise.
so please, if anyone can help me, ill truly be grateful = ONEGAISHIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *on knees begging*
== *giggles* + now i feel all tingly!!! ==
oooo *KAWAII*~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[bonnie going off into giggling and pinching mode.]
u gotta love Zubari dudeeeee, how can ANYBODY not love this equation:
Takki-hubby + "縺溘▽縺キ繧� 諢帙@縺ヲ縺ゅ£繧九°繧�." =
DEAD girls found lying infront of their comps.
cause of death = lack of drool/blood/sanity.
and thats ALL because of u Takizawa Hideaki!!! u murderer!!!!! u BEAUTIFUL MURDERER!!!! but boy do i feel bad for that girl who was replaced by Hosoki-san!! i can bet u anything that Takki didnt mean to offend anybody, but gosh darn it when u have this
man "turn u down" and switch u for an obaa-san infront of o-i-dont-know...the ENTIRE JAPAN population thats watching Zubari....
poor thing....lets just give a moment for this poor soul....... ........Glad thats over. jp jp
anywhoo ---> "縺溘▽縺キ繧� 諢帙@縺ヲ縺ゅ£繧九°繧�." its amazing that hes still SINGLE. (but i understand w/ his taihen 24/7-like job) but its not like its a B-A-D thing...i mean...i would prob die of jealousy if he finally starts dating again. BUT exactly HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE HES HAD A REAL GIRLFRIEND??? (just curious....so that i can pity whoever she is for such a LOSS!!) *waves* HELLO~~~~ TAKKI!!! IM COMING BABY!!!! just release concert dates ...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! we're all DYING here!!!!!!!
== 貊�&鄙シ, 縺翫a縺ァ縺ィ縺�縺斐*縺�縺セ縺�!!! ==
+ Always cherish the destined friendship that the both of you share.
Living in the United States, September 11th is a supposed
== whoopie...==
dont i just sound sooo excited??
*sigh* yes, like ive told many people = school has started.
what joy.
Oooo its actually not as bad as im making it = cause im really happy to b able to see all my friends again~~ i missed them bunches -- but i wouldnt have needed to if i didnt spend my entire summer sitting my a$$ infront of the comp fangirling... GOMEN NE.
This semester, i have
Period 1 = Pre-AP English - Jurcik
Advisory = Quevedo
Period 2 = Biology - Norton
Period 3 = College Writing - Fraychineaud
Period 4 = Advanced Algebra - Cheng
4 of those classes are going wonderfully...u can only guess which 1 i despise...
if u guessed the one w/ Jurcik on it, then ur oh so correct.
im not really in the mood to rant on about him = until next week where im pretty sure that hes gonna get on my very last nerves...if he doesnt...hes not Jurcik. (hes that b****** Journalism teach that i bitched so much about last year = so u might remember him)
he should get fired.
o yeah, College writing is actually not as bad as i imagined it to b. i personally LOVE writing so its kind of like the relaxing period for me. And plus, Fraychineaud is sortof a careless teacher, so AMEN to that!!
it has just been three days since school has started and it already feels like its been like months. oh well. its better than getting a "job" = *pets Snuffles + Loracyn* oh the burn ne!!
☆ Bon-Chan ☆
free weekends ●
Japan, Hong Kong ●
ramen, sushi, gyoza ●
walks on the beach ●
green tea smoothie ●
This blog is 100% public ●
●● D/Ls might b split into
sections for easier u/ling
(To join files, use HJSplit).
Beginner @ Japanese. Prease
excuse the translation errors~
We thank you all for being here today.
It’s the end of the year. It’s time to end. And it’s time to remember love. Without you, without your support, and without your love, we wouldn’t be here.
For the past years, you have made our lives so wonderful, and we would like to apologize that we haven’t been able to see you.
However, today is the day to enjoy it, having a wonderful time together which comes straight from our hearts.
To show our gratitude, we would like to dedicate this concert to you. And our love for you. Because we know in life, All you need is Love.
Now, on your left is
Hideaki Takizawa.
On your right is
Tsubasa Imai.
Here they are, introducing
Tackey & Tsubasa.
滝沢演舞城 2007
7/3 @ 18:00 *
7/4 @ 18:00 *
7/5 @ 13:00 *
7/5 @ 18:00 *
7/7 @ 12:00 *
7/7 @ 17:00 *
7/8 @ 12:00 *
7/8 @ 17:00 *
7/9 @ 13:00 *
7/9 @ 18:00 *
7/10 @ 13:00 *
7/11 @ 13:00 *
7/11 @ 18:00 *
7/12 @ 13:00 *
7/12 @ 18:00 *
7/14 @ 12:00 *
7/14 @ 17:00 *
7/15 @ 12:00 *
7/15 @ 17:00 *
7/16 @ 12:00 *
7/16 @ 17:00 *
7/17 @ 13:00 *
7/18 @ 13:00 *
7/19 @ 13:00 *
7/19 @ 18:00 *
7/21 @ 12:00 *
7/21 @ 17:00 *
7/22 @ 12:00 *
7/22 @ 17:00 *
7/23 @ 13:00 *
7/23 @ 18:00 *
7/24 @ 13:00 *
7/25 @ 13:00 *
7/25 @ 18:00 *
7/26 @ 13:00 *
7/26 @ 18:00 *
7/28 @ 12:00 *
7/28 @ 17:00 *
Dame!Con Dates
Hokkaido - 2/04 *
Iwate - 2/10 *
Sendai - 2/11 *
Ishikawa - 2/17 *
Niigata - 2/18 *
Nagoya - 2/24 *
Nagoya - 2/25 *
Fukuoka - 3/03 *
Fukuoka - 3/04 *
Kouchi - 3/10 *
Hiroshima - 3/18 *
Houzan - 3/21 *
Gunma - 3/24 *
Koriyama - 3/25 *
Yokohama - 5/12 *
Yokohama - 5/13 *
Osaka - 5/27 *
(All info from J-Web)
T&T Official Site *
Zubari Iu Wa Yo! *
翼のToBase *
Johnnys Net * Johnnys TAIWAN * J-Friends
Utaban * Music Fighter *
Za Shounen Club *
Shounen Club Premium *
HEY!x3 * Music Station *
NikkanSports * Sanspo *
Sponichi * Yomiuri *
Daily Sports *
PlayGuide * Ticket.co.jp * TOWER * Shinseido * HMV CDJapan * Akibado *
TV Guide * WinkUp * Myojo
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007